Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

What a very nice morning so far. It’s Sunday, about sevenish. I am in my bedroom, showered, hair shampooed and conditioned with clean jammies on. I put a new scent in my Scentsy light, fed the cat then let her out, then snuck into Ella’s room to grab the laptop. A pot a strong coffee freshly brews in the kitchen. The kids are still sound asleep and my husband is snoring on the couch. Aaaahhhh, this morning is bliss. Did I mention that it is Mother’s Day? Interesting concept; Mother’s Day. This sacred day to celebrate all moms was adapted from religious origin like so many of the holidays that we celebrate today. It dates all the way back to ancient Greece, honoring Rhea, the mother of the Gods. Sounds like a big deal. Then in the 1600’s in England, they claimed it as their own Christian celebration. You know, the Virgin Mother. Oddly enough, this festive observance disappeared for a time until just after the Civil War. A while later it was declared a national holiday in 1914. Seems tumultuous for a holiday that celebrates something as significant as the people that fed us, changed our dirty diapers, listened to us cry, oh and went through hours of agonizing pain to give us life. I suppose all that matters is that we honor moms for an entire day. I plan on enjoying my mother’s day reading the paper, watching “It’s Complicated” which I rented yesterday for this very occasion, visiting my Nana and my own mother for a while with my girls, then coming home to enjoy a great dinner that my kids and husband put together (I will be cooking the Filet Roast myself). I will enjoy one of my favorite cocktails while they will clean up the kitchen, run the dish washer then Jeff and I will watch our favorite Sunday shows; Treme and the Tudors. Then, tomorrow, I will wake up, still a mother, to do laundry, make a lunch for Ella, empty the dishwasher, return phone calls, vacuum and clean the bathrooms. I will not be sitting around in jammies most of the morning, reading the paper, drinking coffee or watching movies, later eating food that has been prepared for me. Business as usual. And that’s not bad either. Being a mom is the thing that I do best and all that that implies.

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